Conflict Will Make or Break Your Relationships: Full Moon in Virgo

The Full Moon at 22 degrees Virgo is exact at 7:54am PST on Sunday March 12th. The Sun, Mercury, Neptune, Chiron, and the South Node are all lined up in Pisces, which is soft, creative, flowing, mystical. With the Moon in Virgo, there’s an opportunity to integrate spirituality into everyday life; to attend to details, but also see the big picture; to live our mundane lives with creativity and a sense of the mystical.

Venus, which rules relationships, values, and finances, is retrograde now until mid-April. This is a time to reconsider these areas of your life. Are your relationships working for you? What do you want from your relationships? What do you value? What is important to you and why? Old loves may return. You might renegotiate contracts, or work through things with friends and partners. Consider whether your financial situation is working for you. If you can hold off on making major purchases until summer, do so.

The retrograde is (mostly) through Aries. Venus in Aries is highly erotic and direct. It relates to assertiveness and confidence in love. It could also signify anger or argument in relationship. At the same time though, Mars is in Taurus, which cools Mars’ fire. This slows down or even stalls the energy, but also can bring persistence and stamina.

With two T-Squares, this Full Moon comes along with some stress and tension. Tension between the status quo (Pluto in Cap) and the demand for change (Uranus in Aries opposite Jupiter in Libra) is a continuing theme throughout most of 2017. The Full Moon square Saturn in Sagittarius highlights issues around intolerance, dogmatism, and righteousness. Have you noticed how many people, on all sides of the political spectrum, seem to be more and more entrenched in their views, less and less willing to dialogue and compromise? Along wIth Venus retrograde, it’s a good time to consider how we let our beliefs affect our relationships, and whether it’s worth it.

There are no relationships without conflict, and no two people see the world in the same way. In the next few weeks, it’s likely that tensions in relationships will surface. But with so much energy in compassionate Pisces, there’s support for working through our differences, and for getting outside of our individual perspectives to understand where others are coming from. However, Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries could also signal sudden breaks: this is a make or break month when it comes to relationship. Tread gently and with courage, speak to your feelings, and listen to your loved ones.

To get a deeper feel for Pisces, try my Astroyoga practice for Pisces. This practice is gentle, flowing, and nourishing.

If you want to know how all this affects you personally, check out my horoscope videos (up soon); I cover how the Full Moon and Venus retrograde affect each sign.

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Much love and Full Moon Blessings!